Following on from recent publicity within the RIBA Journal, we have added Marsh Edge House to our website.
The new house replaces an existing house built in the 1950s with a design that is sympathetic to the sensitive site on the edge of the sand dunes that form a part of the protected coastline.
The form of the new house is made of a spiral of wedge shapes in three components. Two wedges oppose one another with one slid along side the other. The high point of each these two main wedge shapes is purposely directed towards the best views with dramatic open salt marshes extending to the sea to the north and in contrast the sheltered patchwork of tamed landscapes to the south. The third wedge is much smaller and skewed apart as it moves away to emphasise the spiral formation.
The living accommodation is elevated to take advantage of the distant views and to keep habitable areas above the flood plain.
The contemporary interior of the house comprises one large living space on the upper level with smaller cellular bedroom accommodation below.
The house incorporates traditional Norfolk materials in an innovative combination of coursed pebbles, weathered timber, structural glass, zinc roofing and high quality joinery.
Contractor: Robson Construction
Lighting Designer: Workplane Lighting
Structural Engineer: CAR ltd
Photography: Peter Cook