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Tim Powter-Robinson

BA (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA

Tim has a wide range of experience on a great variety of projects which include both contemporary new build commissions, as well as work on listed structures or buildings within historic environments. His projects include a number of major commissions, including refurbishments, extensions, interventions and new buildings for the University of Cambridge. Tim also has extensive experience in residential, cultural and equine projects.

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Simon Redman

BA (Hons) BArch RIBA

Simon is particularly excited by opportunities to enhance by conversion and insertion, to bring order and clarity to groupings of buildings and to make vibrant, sustainable places to live, work, learn and play.

Within the practice, Simon’s focus is on heritage-led regeneration, strategic masterplanning and bespoke design across all disciplines, particularly in education, public and residential sectors. His work includes long-term masterplan strategies for cultural, educational and commercial clients; archeologically and ecologically sensitive work at religious sites; and a variety of studies to reorder and optimise sites containing existing structures, ranging from rural barns to urban chemical plants.

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Adrian Small

BA (Hons) MSc (Arch) Delft RIBA

Adrian’s high-quality housing projects for private clients include work that has been highly commended by the Georgian Society and award winning conservation work in Cambridgeshire. His work on the new £6.3m Visitor's Facility at Stowe Gardens, Buckinghamshire for the National Trust included the restoration of a grade II* former coaching inn, the rebuilding of a lost range forming the Inn yard and extensive new-build and contemporary facilities, using sustainable structures built from the Trusts own woodland.

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Karen Lim

BArch (Hons) Grad Dip Cons (AA) Mst (Cantab) AABC RIBA Partner

Karen has worked on many long-term conservation projects in the residential, cultural and religious sectors. She has experience with the restoration and regeneration of listed buildings and sites, and the conservation and alteration of structures that date back as far as medieval times. Her work extends to reducing the carbon footprint of such buildings by introducing new technologies where appropriate.

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Chris Cowper

BArch (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA Consultant

Chris is the founding partner of the practice.

He has completed many commissions as Design Director for; The University of Cambridge; Historic England; Cambridge Colleges; Independent Schools; The National Trust; Landmark Trust; Religious buildings, Commercial Companies & Award winning private houses.  


He is currently assisting on Calverley Old Hall for the Landmark Trust and a timber framed medieval house in Suffolk. He is a longstanding Member of the Fabric Advisory Committee for St Pauls Cathedral, London.

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Abigail Shaw

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Sarah Wells

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Rachel Furze
Passivhaus Consultant

Stuart Everatt
Senior Architect


Simon Murgatroyd

Neringa Stonyte

Rohana Mackenzie

James Campbell


Niamh Lewis Part I Assistant

Keira Gibson
Business Management