David Parr House, a unique time-capsule of Victorian working-class art and life, is set for major restoration after the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) confirmed funding of £625,300.
The money will be used to repair and restore the Victorian terraced house and its remarkable William Morris-inspired hand-painted interiors; and open the house to the public. A small visitor space will be built, and exciting outreach and learning events and collaborations will allow a wide range of people to enjoy the David Parr experience.
The HLF-funded project will restore David Parr’s home and open it to the public as a historic working man’s house. Visitors will have guided tours of the house, and be able to explore related arts, culture and crafts through a film, museum-on-a-bike, city guides, and other creative tools. Volunteers will be recruited and trained to work as tour guides, take audio-histories of locals, and archive the collection.
It is hoped that project work will start in April this year, and be complete by autumn 2019.
The house was featured in The Guardian on Wednesday 4th and on BBC Look East on Thursday 5th January. Links to the articles can be found below: