CGA and Hill have recently received reserved matters approval for the development of 50 new houses just outside the village of Finchingfield. The proposals were unanimously approved by councillors on the 8th March, following a period of positive engagement with Braintree District Council and the local parish councils. This application granted permission for the detailed design of the scheme, further to an earlier outline planning consent which established the principle of development.
The design evolved over the course of several months, with the close involvement of Braintree District Council, who were in agreement with the design team and developers regarding the need for a high quality, carefully detailed design at the site which acts as a gateway into the village of Finchingfield. A wide range of house type designs were developed, which respond to the varied and historic architectural styles in Finchingfield, taking cues from the organic pattern of development, brick and render material palette and the celebration of green spaces.
The design incorporates over 1.1 hectares of public open space, including a central green, a landscaped perimeter walk and a planted buffer zone to the east which creates visual separation between the houses and the adjacent Bardfield Road. All houses face onto green landscaped spaces and are connected to the village with new footpath links. 40% of the houses will be affordable homes and the developer will be providing financial contributions to support the local health centre and sports facilities.
Each new home will have an air source heat pump, providing efficient renewable energy. Sustainable drainage systems are carefully integrated into the landscape design, creating attractive features which also serve as flood mitigation measures.
Image by Bradley Dyer